Go šŸæ Application Security and AppSec Automation Made Easy

Fernando Diaz
10 min readSep 22, 2022


GoLang is one of the most popular languages for cloud applications, it even builds up most of Kubernetes āŽˆ.

With that being said, according to the Nautilus 2022 Cloud Native Threat report, threat actors broadened their targets to include CI/CD environments and vulnerable Kubernetes deployments and applications.

Over time the amount and types of attacks targeting Kubernetes environments has continued to increase. Based on attacks that AquaSec observed, the number of malicious images with the potential to target Kubernetes environments increased by 10% from 2020 (9%) to 2021 (19%). This is why itā€™s more important than ever to secure your GoLang application!

Photo by David Thielen on Unsplash

In this blog post, I will show different ways to scan your application source code for vulnerabilities, as well as how to integrate security scanners into a CI/CD platform like GitLab. I will provide real-world examples with an insecure microservice I have created.


$ go versiongo version go1.19.1 darwin/amd64

Security Scanners

By running security scanners before pushing code, we can detect and remediate vulnerabilities before we deploy our code to a production-level environment. I will go over how to use a variety of different security scanners for Go such as GoSec, GoVulnCheck, and Fuzz.

First we can start by setting up a proper GOPATH, adding GOPATH/bin to our PATH, and cloning the insecure microservice. Additional information on paths can be found here.

# Set the appropriate GOPATH
$ export GOPATH=/path/to/your/go/projects
# Add your GOPATH bin directory to your PATH
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
# Go into your GOPATH
$ cd $GOPATH
# Create the proper directory structure
$ mkdir -p src/gitlab.com/awkwardferny
# Clone application which we will be scanning
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:awkwardferny/insecure-microservice.git src/gitlab.com/awkwardferny/insecure-microservice
# Go into the application root
$ cd src/gitlab.com/awkwardferny/insecure-microservice

Now that we have the paths correctly setup and the application has been cloned, we can start running our security scanners!

GoSec (Source Code Analysis)

The first security scanner we will cover is GoSec. It is a popular Go security scanner which scans your applicationā€™s source code and dependencies for vulnerabilities. It works by pattern matching your source code against a set of rules.

GoSec mascot šŸš“

GoSec will also automatically scan your application dependencies for vulnerabilities if the go module is turned on (e.g.GO111MODULE=on) or if you explicitly download the dependencies (go get -d). Now letā€™s run GoSec on our insecure microservice:

# Install GoSec
$ go install github.com/securego/gosec/v2/cmd/gosec@latest
# Run GoSec
$ gosec ./...

After the scanner has run we can take a look at the vulnerabilities we found:

G404 (CWE-338): Use of weak random number generator (math/rand instead of crypto/rand) (Confidence: MEDIUM, Severity: HIGH)G114 (CWE): Use of net/http serve function that has no support for setting timeouts (Confidence: HIGH, Severity: MEDIUM)G104 (CWE-703): Errors unhandled. (Confidence: HIGH, Severity: LOW)G104 (CWE-703): Errors unhandled. (Confidence: HIGH, Severity: LOW)G104 (CWE-703): Errors unhandled. (Confidence: HIGH, Severity: LOW)G104 (CWE-703): Errors unhandled. (Confidence: HIGH, Severity: LOW)

These vulnerabilities show that our application has many uncaught exceptions, is not setting timeouts, and uses a weak random number generator. The scan returns the Rule Triggered, Common Weakness Enumeration(CWE), Confidence, Severity, and the Affected Line of Code (Not Pictured).

In a typical developer workflow, after vulnerabilities are found, the developer can examine the CWE for tips on remediation, make code changes to the affected line(s) of code, and then re-run the scanner to check for resolution. Regression tests should be run to make sure our application logic is still sound.

Govulncheck (Source Code Analysis)

Next up is Govulncheck! Govulncheck is a security scanner for source code and application dependencies. It is under active development by the Go security team and is different than GoSec in a few ways:

First it is backed by the Go vulnerability database.

Second it only displays vulnerabilities which your code is actually calling. This reduces noise and lets you know what vulnerabilities actually affect your application.

Below is the architecture diagram for Govulncheck, showing its datasources, the vulnerability database, tools, and integrations.

Govulncheck architecture diagram

Now letā€™s give it a spin! āš™ļø

# Install govulncheck
$ go install golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck@latest
# Run govulncheck
$ govulncheck ./...

After the scanner has run, letā€™s take a look at its findings:

Vulnerability #1: GO-2020-0016An attacker can construct a series of bytes such that calling Reader. Read on the bytes could cause an infinite loop. If
parsing user supplied input, this may be used as a denial of service vector.
Call stacks in your code:internal/logic/logic.go:63:8: gitlab.com/awkwardferny/insecure-microservice/internal/logic.insecure calls github.com/ulikunitz/xz.Reader.ReadFound in: github.com/ulikunitz/xz@v0.5.7
Fixed in: github.com/ulikunitz/xz@v0.5.8
More info: https://pkg.go.dev/vuln/GO-2020-0016

You can see that the scanners presents us with a Vulnerability Rule Reference, Description, Affected Line of Code, Vulnerable Dependency, Resolution, and a Link to Additional Info.

Because Iā€™m using github.com/ulikunitz/xz@v0.5.7 as a dependency in my application and calling xz.Reader.Read, my application is vulnerable to DDoS attacks. This vulnerability was detected by the GO-2020ā€“016 rule from the Go vulnerability database.

In a typical workflow, a developer would update the dependency version and then rerun the scanner as well as unit and functional tests in order to ensure the application does not break.

Fuzz (Fuzz-Testing)

And last we are going to go over fuzz testing. Fuzz testing is the practice of inputing random/malformed data into an application in an attempt to reveal security issues or bugs. Go has a native fuzzing library called fuzz.

Fuzz performs coverage-based fuzz tests which are written similar to unit-tests and are performed on application functions. They are good at finding edge-cases/bugs you may miss in your own unit-tests. Letā€™s look at this fuzz test example below:

func FuzzAdd(f *testing.F) {
f.Add("1", "2")
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, a string, b string) {
result, err := add(a, b)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err))
intA, _ := strconv.Atoi(a)
intB, _ := strconv.Atoi(b)
expected := intA + intB
if result != expected {
t.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("expected %v, got %v", expected, result))
func add(a string, b string) (c int, e error) {
intA, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil
intB, err := strconv.Atoi(b)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil
return (intA + intB), nil

We can see that FuzzAdd() is written similar to a unit test. We enable fuzz testing by adding f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, a string, b string), which calls the add(a string, b string) function, supplying random data for variables a and b. Then it compares the result against the expected value.

The add() function, simply converts 2 strings into integers and then adds them up and returns the result.

The FuzzAdd() test runs correctly with the seeded dataf.Add("1", ā€œ2ā€),but what happens when thereā€™s malformed or random data? Letā€™s run our fuzz test and find out:

# Run the fuzz tests
$ go test ./internal/logic -fuzz FuzzAdd

We can see that the scanner detected an error:

--- FAIL: FuzzAdd (0.10s)
--- FAIL: FuzzAdd (0.00s)
logic_test.go:44: expected 1, got 0

Failing input written to testdata/fuzz/FuzzAdd/9f4dc959af0a73c061c4b4185e9fdb9e5dbfc854cccce7bf9199f0f5556c42a9
To re-run:
go test -run=FuzzAdd/9f4dc959af0a73c061c4b4185e9fdb9e5dbfc854cccce7bf9199f0f5556c42a9

This error was caused because an actual letter (A) was passed instead of a string that can be converted into an integer. Fuzz also generated a seed corpus under the testdata directory, which can be used to test this particular failure again.

An idea to resolve this would be to simply return err instead of nil in the add() function and expect the error for non-integer convertible strings in FuzzAdd().

We can also consider just making the integer value a 0 and logging the error as seen below. It Just depends on what we are trying to achieve.

func add(a string, b string) (c int, e error) {
intA, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
if err != nil {
// change value to 0 if error is thrown
intA = 0
// TODO: Log the error (err)
intB, err := strconv.Atoi(b)
if err != nil {
// change value to 0 if error is thrown
intB = 0
// TODO: Log the error (err)
return (intA + intB), nil

For more advanced usage of fuzz, checkout the Go fuzz-testing tutorial.

Automation of Scanners with GitLab

Running the security scanners to search for vulnerabilities in your Go application can be automated so that we can run the scanners on a feature branch each time code is pushed.

Photo by Minku Kang on Unsplash

This allows us to address security issues before we push code into production and saves us time by not having to run the scanners manually each time we make a code change.

These scanners can be automated by creating a CI/CD pipeline in GitLab šŸ¦Š. The pipeline can automatically run these scans on each code push to any branch. We will be looking at the GitLab CI yaml, which generates a CI/CD pipeline below.

First thing we see are the stages which will run within the pipeline in the order provided:

- build
- test

The build stage makes sure the application even builds before proceeding. If youā€™ve containerized your application, in this stage you would ideally also test if a container image can be built as well:

image: golang:alpine
stage: build
- go mod download
- go build .

Then the test stage will run unit-tests, fuzz-tests, as well as the security scanners described in this blog. The appropriate dependencies for running these jobs are also installed.

We can see under fuzz, that we have an artifact directive with a path that runs whenever the job fails. This is done so that we can download the seed corpus to run locally:

image: golang:alpine
stage: test
- apk update
- apk add g++ git
- go test -v ./...

image: golang:alpine
stage: test
- apk update
- apk add g++ git
- go install github.com/securego/gosec/v2/cmd/gosec@latest
- gosec ./...

image: golang:alpine
stage: test
- apk update
- apk add g++ git
- go install golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck@latest
- govulncheck ./...

image: golang:alpine
stage: test
- apk update
- apk add g++ git
- go test ./internal/logic -fuzz FuzzAdd -fuzztime 50s
- internal/logic/testdata/*
when: on_failure

All the above described in the GitLab CI yaml, generates the following pipeline where we can see fuzz, gosec, and govulncheck all fail, showing there are vulnerabilities and bugs detected within our code:

Insecure microservice pipeline running in GitLab

If we click on a test we can see the output of our job. For example when clicking on the govulncheck job, we see the following:

Govulncheck job ouput

And that is how you can integrate unit-tests, fuzz-tests and security scanners into your CI/CD pipeline. This makes life way easier and removes the need for running everything manually each time!

Code Reviews and Secure Coding Practices

Last, but not least, in order to enhance application security, you should always perform code reviews. This is crucial because others can find issues that you may miss. Scanners may find vulnerabilities, but they cannot detect incorrect logic.

Secure Coding Practices are provided by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). These practices should be reviewed in order to provide great feedback on enhancing security within a code review.

Some examples of these Secure Coding Practices include Database Security, Output Encoding, Error Handling and Logging, and much more.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Other Considerations

Separation of duties

Another way to reduce insecure code from making it to production is to enforce separation of duties. Separation of duties is the concept where developers should only have access to the functions which are necessary for their job. Some examples of this would be:

  • Donā€™t allow developers to merge their own commits
  • Require security team or team-lead approval if a vulnerability is found
  • Donā€™t allow security scans to be disabled by developers
  • Implement CODEOWNERS functionality

Other attack vectors

There are other aspects of an application which can be susceptible to attack which are not part of the application source code. Some examples of this include:

  • Container images
  • Application dependencies in other languages
  • Restrictive licenses
  • Configurations within the running application/server

These items can be remedied with additional security scanners as well as implementing security policies and providing reviews around configurations. I use GitLab Ultimate security policies and scanners for my day-to-day.

Visibility into security posture

Another thing to consider is how great your visibility into your applicationā€™s security posture is. You should have insight on which projects have the most concerning vulnerabilities and what is being done about them.

Photo by Avrielle Suleiman on Unsplash

A dashboard type of view would be ideal, that way you can effectively triage and manage vulnerabilities, guiding you to what you should be address first.

And there you have it, Go šŸæ application security and AppSec automation made easy! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this article.

If you want to see similar articles like this, checkout my other stories and do share this with others! Also feel free to find me on twitter šŸ¦, my posts consist of travel, philosophy, tech, comedy, and some cool things I find.



Fernando Diaz

Senior Technical Marketing @ GitLab šŸ¦Š, Developer šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ’», Alien šŸ‘½